Daily Blast - Minor Prophets: Day 28
“During the second year that Darius was emperor of Persia, on the first day of the sixth month, the Lord spoke through the prophet Haggai. The message was for the governor of Judah, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and for the High Priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak.”
This book kicks off with prophet Haggai saying to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, and Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, “the LORD’s house should be built”. God, through Haggai, then goes on to talk about the self-interest of the people, and how their acts have ultimately been in vain with no purpose of glorifying Him. Haggai then proceeds to tell them of God’s instruction of going up the mountain with wood to build the temple. Think for a moment about your thoughts (Philippians 4:8), your actions (Colossians 3:23-24), and your words (James 3:8-10). Do you think you are glorifying God?
As the people gathered in obedience to God to build His house, God spoke a word of encouragement to them, saying “I am with you”. You see, we must not forget that God is our Father, who continues to lovingly discipline us. He knows what is best for us, which is a life that glorifies and honours Him, and that is what gives us true fulfillment, knowing that we are establishing His Kingdom here on earth. We are made in His likeness and are His children after all, and He is with us, always.
God likens the laid foundation of the temple to a ‘vine’, a ‘fig tree’, a ‘pomegranate tree’ and even an ‘olive tree’ which have not yet yielded its fruit. The people were discouraged as the temple wasn’t looking very promising, but God encourages them by saying that the ‘fruit’ will come; that He will bless them. Is there something that you are believing God for? As you are P.U.S.H’ing (Praying Until Something Happens), remember of God’s faithfulness and attach your work to your faith (James 2:17). Remember that God is your loving Father and He wants to bless you as He perfectly wills to. Continue to trust and obey Him.
God then speaks of the wonderful future hope of His Kingdom being established. He chooses Zerubbabel as His servant.
‘Consider your ways’. Are there areas in your life which you feel you need to display more faithfulness towards God? How can you glorify and honour God more?