Daily Blast - Minor Prophets: Day 16
“But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?””
As we have seen already, Jonah was an incredibly angry man. He wanted to see destruction fall upon his enemy (the city of Nineveh) and did all he could to prevent the Ninevites from receiving repentance from God by running away. Despite his efforts, the Ninevites turned away from evil and were blessed by God’s mercy by not being destroyed. Despite God’s mercy falling upon Nineveh, Jonah still hopes that they will be destroyed and moves towards the outskirts of the city to watch from a safe distance.
Here, the second most intriguing thing happens to Jonah (the first, being swallowed by a giant fish). Whilst Jonah sits on the bank, a tree sprouts and within a day offers Jonah shade from the harsh sun. Jonah clearly loves this as within the next twenty-four hours the tree is consumed by a worm causing Jonah immense distress.
Firstly, this story acts as a direct comparison with the city of Nineveh. On the one hand, God saves Nineveh causing joy and happiness to those in the city whilst on the other, God destroys the tree, causing great upset to Jonah. This comparison is to highlight what could have happened to Nineveh if God did not show mercy upon the city.
Secondly, it highlights Jonah’s selfish character. Twice God asks Jonah if it is right for him to be angry (4:4 and 4:9) – the first time, being directed towards God’s mercy upon Nineveh and the second time, towards God’s destruction of the tree. God is trying to show Jonah how ludicrous his actions are. How could he pity a plant that he had no hand in helping to grow but no pity for the thousands of people of Nineveh.
The story, therefore, of Jonah is how God shows mercy on everyone – friend or foe. God teaches us here that we should not be angry that He shows mercy to others (even to people we dislike or hate) but to be thankful that He extends His merciful hand to everyone.
It is not healthy to live in hate. Sometimes anger overcomes us and it is easier to stay angry then to forgive and move on. However, I encourage you now to spend some time praying for someone you struggle to get on with. Ask God to bless that person and help you overcome any resistance you have against them.