Daily Blast - Easter: Day 1
As we’re all on lockdown it gives us the opportunity to continue to grow closer to God and gain a greater understanding of His word. During this time we have put together a series of short daily devotionals which will encourage us to continue moving upwards in our relationship with Him. The first theme we will be exploring is Easter. It’s crazy to think we are so close to Easter, it felt like only a couple weeks ago we started 2020! But here we are already in April!
The first area we are going to look at today is the character of Peter. Peter, as we know, was one of Jesus disciples’, who went on to be one of the founders of the early church. But for today we are going to be looking at what happened to Peter during the Easter story. It is well known that Peter said that he was willing to die for Jesus and would follow him to the grave (Matthew 26:35). However, during the Easter story, when Peter is put under pressure by others who were challenging him about his relation to Jesus, he buckles and denies Jesus three times.
Denying Jesus doesn’t just come in the form of when we’re asked about Jesus we say “no I don’t know Jesus” it can also come in the way we live our lives. Does the way we spend time with Jesus reflect on our external look? When we go to school or are with our friends and family, are we living our lives as though we are being examples of Jesus?
Fortunately, Jesus loved Peter as He loves everyone and forgave Peter for denying Him. Jesus is so great that He can do the same for us because He also loves us. You’re not excluded when God says that He loves you. You’re included in the greatest love there is!
To finish here is a challenge for you… are there areas in your life which you feel do not truly reflect Jesus? If so, I want to challenge you to write that area down and pray that God will help you in it.