
In January of this year, while praying for Pam, I started to pray for her but instead the words that came out of my mouth were:

“Behold I am doing a new thing, the ways you have done things in the past will no longer work. I am doing something new!”

I was quite surprised to hear those words, but I am pretty sure it was a word from the Lord. I didn’t realise then what it meant but now looking back, I realise the truth of them, we can no longer do things as we used to. So, if we can’t do things as we used to, what do we need to do now?

So, I asked the Lord about the new thing, what it is, how do we do it, etc. He said it’s as different as a caterpillar is to a butterfly.

Wow, quite a contrast then.

If our old ways are like caterpillars and new ways are like butterflies, I guess then we are in the chrysalis stage. Which for some of us is a season of hiddenness. Just like the chrysalis, it looks like we are doing nothing. Dormant, waiting for the emerging to take place. But we all know that if that were true there would be no butterfly, there is activity going on inside that chrysalis but we may not be able to see it.

I really feel that while we are in lockdown it’s a really important time for all of us. It’s not just a case of waiting and hoping that we will come out better people than we went in, it’s not a magic chrysalis, there is activity, and so we need to have the right activity going on so we can come out changed and ready to fly.

The caterpillar has to let his body change and die to being a caterpillar. So, we need to die to our old self and be willing for God to change us into this new creation he has promised. Allowing those hurts of the past to be dealt with, allowing the frustrations of the present to be brought to Him to be changed and repented of. As we are squeezed and challenged through these new changes its high lights things in us that are not so good.  I have realised that I live life in the fast lane normally and while I love it, my gut does not. I have realised that I need to slow down and listen to God and to my body. I have often looked back on situations and realised God was in it, but I didn’t realise it at the time. I am hoping and praying that as I slow down I will hear God more clearly and be more useful for him. So, when he says for me to do something I recognise his voice and obey. This will produce fruit and bring joy to our father. (This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 18 v 8)

At the appointed time the butterfly will break forth from the chrysalis.  The struggle from the chrysalis is an important stage in the life of the butterfly. As it pushes and wriggles it is helping the blood to go to the wings so that when it finally gets out, it can hang upside down, flap its wings and the blood will fill the wings, enabling it to fly. It takes time for the butterfly to emerge, it’s a struggle. Often the things we have had struggles with in life are the very things that make us strong and help us to become the people God intended us to be.

When the butterfly’s wings are strong and dry, it will fly off to get nectar to eat. It pollinates the plants just by its presence. This is a lovely picture of how we can go about serving God, helping others and leaving a fragrance of Jesus everywhere we go. This allows others to blossom and grow into whomsoever they are called to be.

I hope as you consider the life cycle of this beautiful butterfly it will give you hope. Even though you may be in lockdown, struggling to keep sane, bored, lonely or stressed. God is at work in us all, just like he is with the chrysalis. Human eyes may not see the work, but God sees our hearts, just like he said to Samuel in 1 Samuel 16 v 7. He knows what’s going on inside us and he is working with us to get us ready for the day when we will fly. Every time you smile when you feel like screaming, every time you show love to those who are mean, every act of kindness and prayer you pray, he sees it all and its working for your good and His glory, preparing you for that moment when He says………………...and you emerge!

Image credit: www.yvonnebell.co.uk

Image credit: www.yvonnebell.co.uk