Daily Blast - Minor Prophets: Day 15
Sacrifice - one thing that is common between all of the prophets and their stories is sacrifice, giving something up so that they can focus on God and what He has to say.
Jonah himself had to give up what he wanted to do so that he could obey God and help the people of Nineveh by telling them Gods message. The beautiful thing is that because the people of Nineveh listened to God (through Jonah and the king), and they also decided to give up something (food in this case - which we all know is very important), so that they could focus on God and turn away from what God was not happy about.
And it’s amazing to read in verse 10, that when God saw what they did (their sacrifice), He changed his mind and did not destroy the city like he originally told Jonah! No matter how bad you may feel, God wants you to know that He is always ready to listen and is there for you.
Think of 2 things this week that you can sacrifice (give up) for a few hours, days, or even weeks so that you can focus that little bit more on God.