Daily Blast - Easter: Day 7
The trial of Jesus comes just after he has been betrayed by Judas after the last supper. He is first bought before the Sanhedrin. This was a collection of Jewish leaders, including the chief priest, that came together as a justice court. The Sanhedrin tried to bring together some evidence that would justify Jesus’ execution. However, Jesus was innocent of any crime. Many of them falsely testified against him but their stories did not stand. Despite all of these lies and accusations, Jesus remained silent.
This was what the Sanhedrin used as evidence against Jesus, accusing him of blasphemy. They used this to bring him before Pilate which they did the next morning. Again, they began falsely accusing him, but again Jesus stayed quiet. Pilate asked Jesus “are you the king of the Jews” to which Jesus replies “you have said so”.
Some things to think about -
The false accusations of the Sanhedrin did not agree, Mathew 26 v59 says that the leading priests and the entire high council were trying to find witnesses who would lie about Jesus, so they could put him to death.
Jesus stayed silent when falsely accused as was prophesied in Isaiah 53 v 7
Jesus' self-control leading up to and during the trial.
Pilate couldn’t find a reason to have Jesus executed – Mathew 27 v 24 says he washed his hands of Jesus' blood.
Only a few days after he was welcomed into the city as a peaceful king, riding on a donkey, the people that welcomed him called for his crucifixion for reasons they couldn’t explain themselves. Jesus walked through this trial on his own so that we don’t have to, he has already made a path for us through the trials of the enemy.
I would like to encourage you to spend some time today to think about and pray for any one you might know who is facing something scary and intimidating at the moment. For example, anyone working in the NHS or key workers that are still putting themselves at risk so that others can be safe.