Daily Blast - The Book of Matthew: Chapter 5
This chapter – the sermon on the mount, is split into three parts, the first part is called the beatitudes. Now the beatitudes are 8 blessings that Jesus lays out during the sermon on the mount. These blessings are like a contrast to the 10 commandments. These beatitudes list the values in life that will lead to salvation and prosperity, values which we should aim to live by.
In the second section, Jesus is talking in parables. A parable is a simple story often used to explain a moral or spiritual lesson, Jesus used them a lot in his teachings. We spoke about parables a little while ago at youth for those of you that remember. The parable of salt and light, referring to how we, Gods people are preserving the world as salt would have preserved food, preserving it from evil. But it was also used as a flavour enhancer – as it is now too! In the same way we, as God’s people, enhance the good things in the world, having a positive effect on the ‘flavour’ of the world. And as the light, we should shine the attributes of God bright for all to see, not hide them away.
The last bit of the chapter is Jesus talking about various topics. He continues teaching on the topics of murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, turning the other cheek, and loving your enemies. Some of these can be very difficult topics, but Jesus encourages us to embrace the way He is asking us to live our lives, embrace the love of God in our lives and display this love for everyone to see and benefit from. Whether you would consider someone a friend or not, treating them with the same love as Jesus would is so important to God and could make a real change in that individual’s life.
My encouragement to you today is to do two things. The first is to think about someone that you might not particularly get along with and spend some time praying for them even if it is just 30 seconds. If you like just pray that they will know Jesus and learn to live and love as Jesus did. I know this can be hard, believe me, I have done it too, but this is how God has called us to live!
The second thing is a bit easier. Write someone a letter, it might be someone in your family, might be a grandparent, a school friend, someone from church. Whoever it is, write them a letter to tell them how much you appreciate them all they might do for you. It doesn’t have to be long, just a short message to say I appreciate you!