Daily Blast - Armour of God: Day 2
The part of the Armour of God we are looking at today is the Helmet of Salvation. Before we delve into looking specifically at the helmet, we need to understand the meaning of Salvation. In the dictionary, the definition is a way of being saved from danger, loss or harm. Salvation means so much more than that. Psalm 62 it says that God is our salvation and in Hebrews 9:28 it talks about Jesus dying on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. It also mentions that Jesus will come again to bring salvation to those who believe in Him and believe that He died for them. The salvation that the Bible is talking about is God saving us from our sin.
In the times in which Ephesians was written, men would have worn metal helmets into battle. These will have protected their head and brain from many of the blows that come as a consequence of battle.
The Helmet of Salvation is not a physical helmet that you put on, like a bicycle helmet, but it provides so much more protection. It protects your mind from all the lies and the doubt that the devil will use to try and discourage and hurt you. The God-given salvation we have through Jesus is remembered as we clad ourselves daily with this piece of armour. This helmet serves as a tangible reminder to us of God’s glorious salvation that we need to remember not just in our heads but also in our hearts. We need this helmet when we share the good news about God to the people around us. The devil will try to stop us by throwing lies and doubt in our way but with the Helmet of Salvation we will not be stopped, with clear focus and knowledge of our salvation we can stand firm in God.
As Andy said yesterday, it is important to check out thoughts, so that we won’t be led astray.
I encourage you to reflect; do you wear the Helmet of Salvation? Are you protecting your mind and your heart from the lies of the devil? Spend some time praising God for His salvation and the protection that it provides.